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In this very special NSFW Xmas episode, Meri and Chris talk to CEO of Being a Badass (and the Seraphim blog), Delicate Flower. She tell us about how Seraphim got started, explains its success, does some rather interesting singing for us, and tells us what it's like living in the post-apocalyptic world known as Florida.


From there, we speak to the people of SL, asking them if they've been naughty or nice this year, and then Scarlet joins us for a round of NSFW Xmas tunes!

The Podcast
The Mixtape

For links and references mentioned during this week’s show, click here.

Meet the folks

Co-creator & Host


Meri is a DJ and the owner of AAI, the best indie rock music club in Second Life.  With her insightful wit and British charm, Meri brings not just a cheerful tone, but also a serious appreciation for snacking. 

Pixtape is a collaborative music project between three friends and music geeks who met in Second Life.

Chris, Meri and Scarlet have a passion for music, fun, games, interviews and live performances

that they will share with you each time inspiration hits.

Insert Meri's blurb here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam a porta nunc. Morbi convallis, tortor eget pulvinar iaculis, ipsum lectus tempor massa, sed fermentum magna sem at felis. Proin eget tempus lectus.
Insert Meri's blurb here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam a porta nunc. Morbi convallis, tortor eget pulvinar iaculis, ipsum lectus tempor massa, sed fermentum magna sem at felis. Proin eget tempus lectus.
Insert Meri's blurb here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam a porta nunc. Morbi convallis, tortor eget pulvinar iaculis, ipsum lectus tempor massa, sed fermentum magna sem at felis. Proin eget tempus lectus.

Co-creator & Host


Chris, a DJ and professional lurker in Second Life, brings with him a diverse taste in music, an embarrasingly impressive catalog of Michael Bolton trivia knowledge, and a love for indian food and cats.




Scarlet assists in creative output, and occasionally comes on air to crack a few puns. In SL, you can find her curating her amazing Indie Teepee festival, or bouncing around like a loony at music clubs.

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